A new CNAAHL season is just around the corner! The first step we need to take is to gather interest for volunteers for our league board of directors.
If anyone has interest in being involved in our league in this capacity, please email cnaahl2020@gmail.com and you’ll be added to the list of potential board members.
Here is the ideal composition of our board according to the CNAAHL constitution:
The Operating Committee shall consist of 8 Members. One member Representing Gander Minor Hockey, One Member Representing Grandfalls/Winsor Minor Hockey. One Member Representing the four association of (Baie Verte, Green Bay South, La Scie, Springdale). One Member Representing the four association of (Bay D’Espoir, Bishop Falls, Botwood, Hr. Breton). One Member Representing the Two association of (Lewisporte, Twillingate/New World Island Minor Hockey). One Member Representing the Three association of (Beothic, Fogo/Change Island. Glovertown,). One Member at Large and HNL Liaison (Non-Voting)
An Executive Committee, consisting of a President, Vice President and Treasurer will be elected from the members of the Operating Committee at the first meeting for the new season. The Administrators cannot hold an Executive Committee position. The member at large is to be nominated by the members of the Operating Committee and appointed for a 1-year term.